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Rage4 DNS - Developers: API


The Rage4 API allows easy integration with third party systems.


The Rage4 API use BASIC authentication. To receive authorization, the client sends the email address and API key as password, separated by a single colon (":") character, within a base64 encoded string in the credentials.
Authorization: Basic Base64String(email address:api key)

HTTP methods

By default all methods are available via GET

Third party libraries

We provide official .NET library via NuGet package.

Unofficial libraries



To list your library here please contact our support

API calls

Return current server time (UTC) and version

Result: Structure, ApiTime

Lists all domains

Result: Array, Domain

Retrieve domain by ID

Result: Structure, Domain[id]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID

Retrieve domain by name

Result: Structure, Domain[name]
name (String, required) - Domain's name

Create domain

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[name]&email=[email]&apiaccess=[apiaccess]&ns1=[ns1]&ns2=[ns2]&soarefresh=[soarefresh]&soaexpiry=[soaexpiry]&soaretry=[soaretry]&soanx=[soanx]&nsttl=[nsttl]&axfr=[axfr]
name (String, required) - Domain's name
email (String, required) - Administrator's email address
apiaccess (Boolean, optional, default: true) - Allow API access type (String, optional, default NATIVE) - Domain type (NATIVE or MASTER), MASTER supports external secondary NS
ns1 (String, optional) - Primary NS name
ns2 (String, optional) - Secondary NS name
soarefresh (Int32, optional, default: 10800) - SOA refresh value (min 1200, max 86400)
soaexpiry (Int32, optional, default: 604800) - SOA expiry value (min 3600, max 2419200)
soaretry (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - SOA retry value (min 180, max 3600)
soanx (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - SOA nx value (min 0, max 10800)
nsttl (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - NS TTL
axfr (String, optional) - Not in use (obsolete)

[Obsolete] Create regular zone with vanity NS

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[name]&email=[email]&nsname=[nsname]&nsprefix=[nsprefix]
name (String, required) - Domain's name
email (String, required) - Administrator's email address
nsname (String, required) - NS prefix
nsprefix (String, required) - NS suffix

[Obsolete] Create reverse domain (IPv4) - use Create domain

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[name]&email=[email]&subnet=[subnet]
name (String, required) - Domain's name
email (String, required) - Administrator's email address
subnet (Int16, required) - Subnet size

[Obsolete] Create reverse domain (IPv6) - use Create domain

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[name]&email=[email]&subnet=[subnet]
name (String, required) - Domain's name
email (String, required) - Administrator's email address
subnet (Int16, required) - Subnet size

Delete domain

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID

Update domain

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]&email=[email]&apiaccess=[apiaccess]&nsname=[nsname]&nsprefix=[nsprefix]&enablevanity=[enablevanity]&ns1=[ns1]&ns2=[ns2]&soarefresh=[soarefresh]&soaexpiry=[soaexpiry]&soaretry=[soaretry]&soanx=[soanx]&nsttl=[nsttl]&axfr=[axfr]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID
email (String, required) - Administrator's email address
apiaccess (Boolean, optional, default: true) - Allow API access
nsname (String, optional) - NS prefix
nsprefix (String, optional) - NS suffix
enablevanity (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Enable vanity NS (obsolete)
ns1 (String, optional) - Primary NS name
ns2 (String, optional) - Secondary NS name
soarefresh (Int32, optional, default: 10800) - SOA refresh value (min 1200, max 86400)
soaexpiry (Int32, optional, default: 604800) - SOA expiry value (min 3600, max 2419200)
soaretry (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - SOA retry value (min 180, max 3600)
soanx (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - SOA nx value (min 0, max 10800)
nsttl (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - NS TTL
axfr (String, optional) - Not in use (obsolete)

Update domain

Result: Structure, Domain[id]&email=[email]&apiaccess=[apiaccess]&ns1=[ns1]&ns2=[ns2]&soarefresh=[soarefresh]&soaexpiry=[soaexpiry]&soaretry=[soaretry]&soanx=[soanx]&nsttl=[nsttl]&axfr=[axfr]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID
email (String, required) - Administrator's email address
apiaccess (Boolean, optional, default: true) - Allow API access
type (String, optional, default NATIVE) - Domain type (NATIVE or MASTER), MASTER supports external secondary NS
ns1 (String, optional) - Primary NS name
ns2 (String, optional) - Secondary NS name
soarefresh (Int32, optional, default: 10800) - SOA refresh value (min 1200, max 86400)
soaexpiry (Int32, optional, default: 604800) - SOA expiry value (min 3600, max 2419200)
soaretry (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - SOA retry value (min 180, max 3600)
soanx (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - SOA nx value (min 0, max 10800)
nsttl (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - NS TTL
axfr (String, optional) - Not in use (obsolete)

Import domain using AXFR

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[name]
name (String, required) - Domain's name

Import domain using AXFR and set vanity NS

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[name]&nsname=[nsname]&nsprefix=[nsprefix]
name (String, required) - Domain's name
nsname (String, required) - NS prefix
nsprefix (String, required) - NS suffix

Sync domain to specific Shadow Master server

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[name]&server=[server]&dnssec=[dnssec]
name (String, required) - Domain's name
server (String, required) - Shadow master's IPv4 address
dnssec (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Enable DNSSEC

Sync slave domain to specific Shadow Master server

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[name]&server=[server]&dnssec=[dnssec]
name (String, required) - Domain's name
server (String, required) - Shadow master's IPv4 address
dnssec (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Enable DNSSEC

Export BIND compatible zone file

Result: Structure, String[id]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID

Get DNSSEC details

Result: Structure, SecureKey[id]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID


Result: Structure, SecureKey[id]&algorithm=[algorithm]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID

Disable DNSSEC

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID

[Obsolete] Rectify a zone

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID

Display TSIG keys list

Result: Array, SignKey[id]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID

Display NOTIFY list

Result: Array, DomainMeta[id]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID

Create NOTIFY list entry

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]&ipaddress=[ipaddress]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID
ipaddress (String, required) - comma-separated list of IP addresses

Delete NOTIFY list entry

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]&metaid=[metaid]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID
metaid (Int32, required) - List ID

Display AXFR white list

Result: Array, DomainMeta[id]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID

Create AXFR white list entry

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]&ipaddress=[ipaddress]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID
ipaddress (String, required) - comma-separated list of IP addresses

Delete AXFR white list entry

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]&metaid=[metaid]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID
metaid (Int32, required) - List ID

List records

Result: Array, Record[id]&name=[name]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID
name (String, optional) - Record's name

Get record by id

Result: Structure, Record[id]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID

Create record

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]&name=[name]&content=[content]&type=[type]&priority=[priority]&active=[active]&failover=[failover]&failovercontent=[failovercontent]&failoverwithdraw=[failoverwithdraw]&ttl=[ttl]&geozone=[geozone]&geolock=[geolock]&geolat=[geolat]&geolong=[geolong]&udplimit=[udplimit]&description=[description]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID
name (String, required) - Record's name
content (String, required) - Record's value
type (String, required) - Record's type, see ListRecordTypes for supported record types
priority (Int32, required, default: 1) - Record's priority
active (Boolean, optional, default: true) - Record's state
failover (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Failover enabled
failovercontent (String, optional) - Failover content
failoverwithdraw (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Withdraw on failover
ttl (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - Record's TTL
geozone (Int64, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS zone/mode, see ListGeoRegions for supported values
geolock (Boolean, optional, default: false) - GeoDNS lock (obsolete)
geolat (Double, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS latitude
geolong (Double, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS longitude
udplimit (Boolean, optional, default: false) - UDP limit
description (String, optional) - Record's description

Create record

Result: Structure, Record[id]&name=[name]&content=[content]&type=[type]&priority=[priority]&active=[active]&failover=[failover]&failovercontent=[failovercontent]&failoverwithdraw=[failoverwithdraw]&ttl=[ttl]&geozone=[geozone]&geolock=[geolock]&geolat=[geolat]&geolong=[geolong]&udplimit=[udplimit]&description=[description]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID
name (String, required) - Record's name
content (String, required) - Record's value
type (String, required) - Record's type, see ListRecordTypes for supported record types
priority (Int32, required, default: 1) - Record's priority
active (Boolean, optional, default: true) - Record's state
failover (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Failover enabled
failovercontent (String, optional) - Failover content
failoverwithdraw (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Withdraw on failover
ttl (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - Record's TTL
geozone (Int64, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS zone/mode, see ListGeoRegions for supported values
geolock (Boolean, optional, default: false) - GeoDNS lock (obsolete)
geolat (Double, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS latitude
geolong (Double, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS longitude
udplimit (Boolean, optional, default: false) - UDP limit
description (String, optional) - Record's description

Update record

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]&name=[name]&content=[content]&priority=[priority]&active=[active]&failover=[failover]&failovercontent=[failovercontent]&failoverwithdraw=[failoverwithdraw]&ttl=[ttl]&geozone=[geozone]&geolock=[geolock]&geolat=[geolat]&geolong=[geolong]&udplimit=[udplimit]&description=[description]
id (Int32, required) - Records's ID
name (String, required) - Record's name
content (String, required) - Record's value
priority (Int32, required, default: 1) - Record's priority
active (Boolean, optional, default: true) - Record's state
failover (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Failover enabled
failovercontent (String, optional) - Failover content
failoverwithdraw (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Withdraw on failover
ttl (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - Record's TTL
geozone (Int64, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS zone/mode, see ListGeoRegions for supported values
geolock (Boolean, optional, default: false) - GeoDNS lock (obsolete)
geolat (Double, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS latitude
geolong (Double, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS longitude
udplimit (Boolean, optional, default: false) - UDP limit
description (String, optional) - Record's description

Update record

Result: Structure, Record[id]&name=[name]&content=[content]&priority=[priority]&active=[active]&failover=[failover]&failovercontent=[failovercontent]&failoverwithdraw=[failoverwithdraw]&ttl=[ttl]&geozone=[geozone]&geolock=[geolock]&geolat=[geolat]&geolong=[geolong]&udplimit=[udplimit]&description=[description]
id (Int32, required) - Records's ID
name (String, required) - Record's name
content (String, required) - Record's value
priority (Int32, required, default: 1) - Record's priority
active (Boolean, optional, default: true) - Record's state
failover (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Failover enabled
failovercontent (String, optional) - Failover content
failoverwithdraw (Boolean, optional, default: false) - Withdraw on failover
ttl (Int32, optional, default: 3600) - Record's TTL
geozone (Int64, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS zone/mode, see ListGeoRegions for supported values
geolock (Boolean, optional, default: false) - GeoDNS lock (obsolete)
geolat (Double, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS latitude
geolong (Double, optional, default: 0) - GeoDNS longitude
udplimit (Boolean, optional, default: false) - UDP limit
description (String, optional) - Record's description

Delete record

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID

Delete record

Result: Structure, Record[id]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID

Enable or disable record failover (legacy)

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]&active=[active]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID
active (Boolean, required) - Failover state

Enable or disable record failover

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]&active=[active]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID
active (Boolean, required) - Failover state

Enable or disable record failover (legacy)

Result: Structure, Record[id]&active=[active]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID
active (Boolean, required) - Failover state

Enable or disable record failover

Result: Structure, Record[id]&active=[active]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID
active (Boolean, required) - Failover state

Enable or disable record

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID

Enable or disable record

Result: Structure, Record[id]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID

Set record state

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]
id (Int32, required) - Domain's ID
POST payload of array of SetRecordStateRequest

Return webhoook list

Result: Array, WebHook

Return webhook by id

Result: Structure, WebHook[id]
id (Int32, required) - Webhook's ID

Create new webhook

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[name]
name (String, required) - Webhook's friendly name

Delete webhook by id

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]
id (Int32, required) - Webhook's ID

Attach webhook to record

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]&webhook=[webhook]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID
webhook (Int32, required) - Webhook's ID

Detach webhook from record

Result: Structure, ApiResponse[id]
id (Int32, required) - Record's ID

List supported record types

Result: Array, ApiDictionary

List supported geo regions

Result: Array, ApiDictionary


ApiTime - returns server's datetime (UTC) and API version

"utctime" // DateTime,
"version" // String

Domain - presents zone related data

"id" // Int32,
"name" // String,
"owner_email" // String,
"type" // String,
"subnet_mask" // Int16,
"soa_refresh" // Int32,
"soa_retry" // Int32,
"soa_expiry" // Int32,
"soa_nx" // Int32,
"ns_ttl" // Int32,
"default_ns1" // String,
"default_ns2" // String

ApiResponse - standard API response object

"status" // Boolean,
"id" // Int32,
"error" // String

SecureKey - contains information related to DNSSEC keys

"keytag" // Int32,
"key" // String,
"algorithm" // String,
"rsasha1" // String,
"rsasha256" // String,
"rsasha384" // String,
"dnskey" // String


"name" // String,
"algorithm" // String,
"secret" // String


"id" // Int32,
"content" // String

Record - present record related data

"id" // Int32,
"name" // String,
"content" // String,
"type" // String,
"ttl" // Int32,
"priority" // Int32,
"domain_id" // Int32,
"geo_region_id" // Int64,
"geo_lat" // Double,
"geo_long" // Double,
"failover_enabled" // Boolean,
"failover_active" // Boolean,
"failover_content" // String,
"failover_withdraw" // Boolean,
"webhook_id" // Int32,
"is_active" // Boolean,
"udp_limit" // Boolean,
"description" // String

WebHook - present webhook related data

"id" // Int32,
"name" // String,
"key" // String

ApiDictionary - generic string/long dictionary

"name" // String,
"value" // Object

SetRecordStateRequest - set record state payload

"id", // Record's ID
"priority" // Int32, nullable,
"active" // Boolean, nullable

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